The Long Eve - A Holiday Poem from the cast of Venture Forth

Published: Dec. 27, 2022, 5 a.m.


As the sun sets on the wartime horizon
And the soldiers sheathe their blades
The sails of the cruisers are drawn to the sides and
explosions are drowned by waves

For with light\\u2019s last breath, a season is born

A pause in the darkness to birth the next morn

As the Long Eve begins, kin of Elbor amass

For 10 days of reflection on the long year now passed

Was it soaked through Ylduria, her root\\u2019s thirst to sate?

Did Laurus and Fimir recall it by fate?

Is it warred for by Angels, as the Elders suggest?

Or swallowed by a Dragon, a Lord in unrest?

Whichever tale you believe, the lesson remains

The night will abate once our bitterness wanes

If you cleave to your hatred, your rage, your despair

Then the sun will be broken, with no hope of repair

So take hold of your loved ones, and make strangers your friend.

Make peace, Sooth your grief, your old grudges amend

For you\\u2019ll see with each passing, each night spent released

All the more will the sun shine, when the Long Eve has ceased!

When you scope the horizon, watch the colors abound,

Each sliver of light, a connection you\\u2019ve found

For the love of our families and strangers alike

When merged, forms a new sun, Everdawn, this year\\u2019s light

With this ignition, we\\u2019ll venture the new day\\u2019s campaign

The year stretches before us - all potential, no pain

So take heed of this lesson, and start the next year off right

Happy Long Eve to all, may we all greet the light!

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Venture Forth is a Dungeons and Dragons podcast. We play 5th edition (5e) Dungeons and Dragons in a home-brew D&D actual play setting. Our campaign takes place in the high fantasy realm of Elbor. A world of monsters, heroes and epic tales to be told. D&D is a TTRPG, a tabletop roleplaying game, also known as an RPG. Our gameplay is perfect for beginners to Dungeons and Dragons from episode 1.

Olma Marsk is played by Rebecca Hausman, Flynn Felloweave is played by Russ Bartek, March is played by Bridget Black, Ceallach is played by Shane O'Loughlin, Shraya is played by Cameron Gregg, Seeker is played by Rodney Campbell, Thessaly is played by Devon Swanson, and the DM is played by Ethan Ralphs and Seth Fowler.
