The Chase - Enjoying Every Season

Published: Sept. 18, 2011, 9:30 a.m.

b'THE CHASE The book of Ecclesiastes Everybody\\u2019s chasing something. Success\\u2026 fame\\u2026 love\\u2026 happiness\\u2026 the good life. The ultimate goal of the chase is to make our lives meaningful and joyful. But over and over again, we find the chase turns out to be a dead end. An ancient king named Solomon was not immune to chasing dead ends. In fact, he chased them all. Near the end of his life, this changed and wise men wrote his profound discoveries in the book of Ecclesiastes. Join us for an in-depth journey into this ancient book about ultimate questions and everyday life. Bottom line: The key to truly enjoying your life is not found in life itself. It\\u2019s found in something deeper, higher, and greater \\u2013 a relationship with the God who made you.'