How I Rose from Rock Bottom

Published: Jan. 3, 2024, 5 p.m.


Throughout the years, many people have asked how it all started for me, and how on earth I came to be doing what I\\u2019m doing today. The truth is, I am totally an accidental entrepreneur. I\\u2019ve frequently reinvented myself and changed things up almost every decade. But the real catalyst for finding my way to success? Well, hitting rock bottom. 

In this episode, I share my journey from the early days of life as a bookish farmer\\u2019s daughter in Northern England, how I grew into a confident university student and the corporate career in fashion I worked my way up in. I take you through the days of meeting my now-husband Jason in London to relocating to his native Australia. Navigating the challenges of starting my life in business from scratch in a new country was hard - however, the worst was yet to come.

I take you through the pivotal moment we hit rock bottom: Jason\\u2019s loss of his corporate job resulting in us eventually having $50 left in the bank. This came at a time when I was exploring my dreams of starting a business, and I asked myself what right I had to put my family at risk. However, it was Jason\\u2019s unwavering belief in me that reignited my vision to leave the corporate world and start out on my own. 

Fast forward 12 years, and I\'ve built and sold businesses, authored best-selling books, spoken on stages around the world and even received an honorary doctorate. The key to rising from rock bottom came down to this: owning my own brilliance, expertise, imperfections and particular experience of life.

I hope by sharing my journey, you\\u2019re given permission to know that you have everything inside you to unleash your own brilliance. Ask yourself these questions: Who are you not to be more brilliant? Who says you can\\u2019t be more brilliant? What will change when you embrace your brilliance? 

Join me as I inspire you to become your most exceptional self, no matter the challenges life throws your way.


Elevate with Janine

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