A Periclean Masterpiece of Rhetoric

Published: Aug. 30, 2022, 1:49 a.m.

In this unintentionally somewhat comical episode, I indulge my oratorical side, giving a 24-minute debate-style statement to an audience of no one except my one-year-old son, who lends his own voice to the first few minutes. This monologue was recorded on a windy morning in an otherwise secluded park, with a noisy freeway not too far from us. Given that this talk was also recorded using the microphone of a cheap pair of wired earbuds, the resulting audio quality was (at least at times) as hellish as its subject matter. If you dare to listen to this recording, you will have to excuse the occasional unintelligible phrase as well as extreme microphone popping. Again, caveat auditor. The recording is in two segments because, at the end of the first, another car pulled up to the park for a minute only to leave as inexplicably as it arrived. (Perhaps the driver saw me and concluded that I was a lunatic.) In terms of substance, this address weaves together many universalist themes from stalwarts such as George MacDonald, Thomas Talbott, and (to a subtler extent) David Bentley Hart. I must also thank the YouTube annihilationist Mark Corbett for the two citaitons from Hebrews which support my/Talbott's interpretation of Matthew 25:46, tending as they also do to support the conditionalist interpretation of that verse. The extemporaneous nature of the speech is evident at various points but most especially in its ending, which even I have to admit falls a bit flat. The reason I decided to post this audio despite its numerous flaws is that it does a good job of conveying my recent thinking, including a few new insights which are perhaps original to me. It is the distillation of almost two years' reflection on theology following 12-14 years of atheism/materialism. I pray that God will give me many more years in which to make up for the lost time.