Why AI could kill 90% of copywriting jobs by 2025 - Trevor "Toecracker" Crook on AI & Copywriting

Published: May 4, 2023, noon


"The new generation of copywriters, if they\'re not that good... they\'ll be left for dead." -10-figure direct response marketer Trevor "Toecracker" Crook on how AI will affect the copywriting profession.

Do you think that AI will kill most copywriting jobs? It\'s certainly got freelancers in countless industries considering new employment opportunities, as ChatGPT and other AI chatbots could soon replace them.

But will AI actually replace human copywriters, or simply enhance them?

Trevor "Toecracker" Crook is a wildly successful digital marketer and business guru. He consults for offer owners in the direct response space, helping them earn 8 to 10 figures every year. Here\'s what he has to say about AI and it\'s impact on copywriters.

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