The BEST TIME TO SELL Your Crypto Business

Published: Sept. 15, 2022, 9 a.m.


When you\'re ready to sell your crypto business, don\'t wait until it\'s too late. When you sell at the right time, you can walk away with profits that will take your next project to new levels of success.

But what is the right time? How do you know when to sell? That\'s what Lane Gordon is here to answer.

Whether it\'s because your interest in crypto is waning or because life has taken a turn and you need to put your focus elsewhere, selling your business will always be a good option. But if you want to get the most out of your sale in terms of profit, timing is everything.

When your crypto business is on a steady rise, that\'s the perfect time to look for buyers or, at the very least, get a valuation of your company.

If you\'re curious to learn more about buying, selling, and valuations, check out our full-length episode here:

We hope this video gave you some insight into planning for the future of your entrepreneurial endeavors. For more information about running your business, securing it, and saving money, subscribe to the channel.

00:00 When Is It a Good Time to Sell

01:09 Look at the Long-term Trend

02:06 What\'s Your Driving Force for Selling

03:35 Take the Unknown into Consideration

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