"Most copywriting jobs will be gone soon" - Copywriting Expert

Published: March 30, 2023, noon


Are you a copywriter, or want to be a copywriter? Well, hugely successful copywriter, offer owner and direct response mentor Trevor "Toecracker" Crook explains why you can\'t JUST offer copywriting services anymore.

AI is set to eliminate most of the copywriting jobs in the world. At least, that\'s what Trevor thinks... and his copy has generated millions upon millions in online sales.

In this episode, you learn:

-How Trevor made millions as a copywriting expert

-How he\'s managed to live as a digital nomad for two decades now

-Weird and alternative ways to get the most out of employees in the copywriting and direct response world

-Expert tips to increase the sales of your online offer

-How his mentoring services have supercharged his client\'s sales in the direct response space

Enjoy the episode and reach out if you have any questions.

Connect with Maria:

Maria Sparagis Website: http://mariasparagis.com

DirectPayNet Website: https://directpaynet.com

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