Is Your PayPal Account Frozen? Heres What You Can Do to Recover Your Funds and Keep Your Business Running

Published: March 17, 2022, noon


Has PayPal frozen your funds? If Paypal is your only source of accepting payment, then payment holds can be very frustrating. This can usually happen if you\'re selling supplements or in any business classified as high-risk. Other triggers include scaling too fast or getting numerous disputes or chargebacks. But can PayPal legally freeze your account? 

If you want to know why they froze your funds, how to prevent it from happening again, and the steps you need to take to recover your funds, listen to this episode until the end. You can also access additional resources to learn how to navigate through the challenging issues a merchant encounters, particularly with payment processing.

\\u201cI would suggest that you get a merchant account if you\'re in the high-risk industry or if you\'ve had problems with PayPal. Stripe isn\'t necessarily your best solution, but it is a quick solution.\\u201d 

- Maria Sparagis

Reach out to Maria Sparagis if you need help with unfreezing your PayPal funds, applying for a merchant account, or just getting a template of the letter to send to PayPal. 

You can listen to these episodes for more information: 

Connect with Maria:

Maria Sparagis Website:

DirectPayNet Website:




