How to Create LEAD GENERATING Video Content with Kevin DuBose

Published: June 9, 2022, 9 a.m.


Creating video content is a fantastic medium to grow your business and brand, if done right. But what are you supposed to do? How are you supposed to create content that people actually want to watch AND interact with? How important is view count, really?

In this episode, Kevin DuBose ("The Video Guy") speaks about the do\'s and don\\u2019ts of video marketing and how he uses both long-form and short-form video on social media platforms to grow the brands he works with. 

Learn how to build a content calendar without having to endlessly record video content, and follow his roadmap that shows you how you can record 30 minutes worth of video content that can be used for an entire month of social media and video posts.  

Don\\u2019t know when to use short-form video like Reels and YouTube Shorts, Stories, or long-form for successful lead generation? Kevin\\u2019s got you covered. Each type has its own time and place to shine. Let Kevin help you come up with a winning content strategy that not only gets views but, more importantly, leads.

00:00 Kevin "The Video Guy" and How He Grew His Freelance Career from Scratch

03:20 Businesses Don\'t Need to "Go Viral"

08:05 Long-form vs. Short-form Video, When to Use Them

10:21 The Video Platform That Does Best

15:25 Biggest Mistake People Make When Recording Content

16:35 Rule of Thumb for Repurposing Published Content

19:42 How to Effortlessly Plan Your Content for the Year

25:15 Tips to Improve Your Video Skills

30:30 Transitioning into a New, Lucrative Career

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