How Andrew Contreras Went From Zero to $20 Million in a Year

Published: March 18, 2021, 5 a.m.


Want to get actionable tips to increase your bottom line? On today\\u2019s episode, Maria talks to Andrew Contreras about copywriting offers, trends in direct marketing, and more. Andrew is one of the biggest influencers in the direct response industry. He wrote the most successful Christian offer, The Shepherds Diet. He is also one of the managing partners and the CEO of New Crescent Media, a company that is transforming the supplement industry. Whether you\\u2019re a copywriter, an offer owner, or an entrepreneur, you won\\u2019t want to miss this! 

If you liked this episode, head on to Copywriting Tips and Trends with Julian Reyes. Julian is Andrew\\u2019s business partner at  New Crescent Media.

\\u201cIn order to grow something bigger, you have to leverage other people, their minds, their hours of work, and their skill sets.\\u201d

- Andrew Contreras

In This Episode:

- How Andrew discovered copywriting 

- Finding a business partner to scale your business

- Why you need a coach and where to find the right one

- The Pros and Cons of having a business partner

- What\\u2019s unique about the Christian niche

- Andrew\\u2019s best tips for driving traffic

- Upcoming direct marketing trends

- Exploring TikTok and new platforms


Breakthrough Advertising by Eugene M. Schwartz, the most important book ever written about persuasion, copywriting, marketing, and human behavior -

Connect with Andrew:

- New Crescent Media Website:

Connect with Maria:

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