Five Needle Movers for 2021

Published: Jan. 14, 2021, 5:01 a.m.


Ready to grow your online business in 2021? If you\\u2019re wondering what you can do to improve your sales conversion and keep yourself competitive, this episode is for you. Stay tuned and learn how to grow your conversion 5 to 10% by doing simple things that won\\u2019t cost you extra money. Today, Maria shares her Five Needle Movers -- quick and little changes to your process that will help increase your revenue. If you don\\u2019t know Maria just yet, she is the President of DirectPayNet, a company that offers international merchant accounts and consulting for high-risk online businesses. Listen to Maria\\u2019s unique perspective and gain insights on the products that are converting, what works and what doesn\\u2019t, and finding powerful technology or features that you can use to your benefit.

\\u201cMake sure you\'re able to let your customers pay in the currency and payment mode they want to pay.\\u201d

- Maria Sparagis

In This Episode:

- Why you should offer dynamic payment modes

- Testing your check out page and making it easy for customers to navigate

- How to take advantage of the tools included in your payment gateway 

- Always offer complementary products 

- What\\u2019s with subscriptions, bundles, upsells, and conversion rates

- Bonus tip: Livestream Selling, an exciting trend in 2021

Connect with Maria:

- Maria Sparagis Website:

- DirectPayNet Website:

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