Daily Email Marketing Is KILLING Customer Retention

Published: June 30, 2022, 9 a.m.


Email marketing can be a great way to build your brand and engage with customers, but it\'s important to remember that it\'s not a one-size-fits-all approach.

In this video, Brennan Hopkins\\u2014an e-commerce email marketing expert\\u2014discusses the dangers of sending too many emails and offers some tips for how you can get the most out of your email marketing strategy.

Like many, you\'re probably thinking, "I\'ll just send an email every day," but what happens when your customers start to get annoyed? That\'s when you lose them. They stop trusting you, and they unsubscribe from your emails. And then what? You start losing money because you\'re not reaching out to them anymore.

The good news is that Brennan has some tips for how to avoid this problem as well as where to start with your email marketing campaign.

Email marketing is an important tool for business growth and has a much lower cost of acquisition than traditional channels such as Facebook Ads, Youtube and Native. 

"A healthy email list will have a 33% attrition rate." --Brennan


00:00 How Often Should You Email

01:38 More Emails Doesn\'t Equal More Opens

02:35 Most Brands Don\'t Need a Daily Email

04:37 2-3 Emails Per Week Is a Good Starting Point

Check out a full interview with Brennan to learn more about his email marketing strategies: https://youtu.be/6ykods789Yk

If you want to learn more about e-commerce email marketing, check out Brennan\\u2019s course, Lean and Mean Email Marketing: https://leanandmeanemail.thinkific.com/courses/lean-mean-email-marketing

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