5 Seconds to Grab Their Attention YouTube Ad Strategies

Published: Sept. 8, 2022, 9 a.m.


Today we\'re talking all about how to grab your audience\'s attention in the first 5 seconds of your video. KEY TAKEAWAY: the first 5 seconds of your ad is what matters most.

That\'s because if you can\'t convince them in that time, they\'ll just click away without giving your video a chance. You need to write an ad hook that grabs their attention, holds their gaze, and doesn\\u2019t let go until they\\u2019re ready to click \\u201cbuy\\u201d.

So how do you write a good ad hook? Well, it depends on what type of content you\'re making and what audience you\'re trying to reach. But the most important thing you can do is test your hooks. Do this in brainstorming sessions, split-testing, and\\u2014the easiest and cheapest way\\u2014learning from ads that grab your own attention.

View the full episode with Johnson Li:


00:00 First 5 Seconds of Your YT Ad Matters Most

01:17 Rework Your Hook Again and Again

03:08 Testing Which Hooks Work

Connect with Maria:

Maria Sparagis Website: http://mariasparagis.com

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