What do sales managers really expect from sales enablement teams?

Published: July 15, 2020, 11 a.m.

The Collaborator sat with Sean Gentry, who works as a Sales Manager at Outreach, to discuss what it's like partnering with enablement while working on a rocket ship business that has already leapt past the Unicorn status.

Sean shared his thoughts on:

1️⃣ How Outreach sales leadership partners with enablement to deliver better training, messaging, and so forth.

2️⃣ The reporting structure at Outreach has enablement reporting into RevOps.  RevOps and Enablement collaborate with the sales leadership.  Ops shares data and insights, leaders share observations, and this collaboration drives better messaging.

3️⃣ Sales leadership is heavily involved with vetting enablement and other hires.

4️⃣ Thoughts on what sales managers need from, and how they want to partner with, enablement teams.

Much, much, more.

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