Kayde Givens on running an amazing SKO

Published: Jan. 26, 2021, 9 p.m.

Kayde Givens is the Director of Enablement at Chorus.ai. In her second visit with The Collaborator, Kayde shared best practices for delivering an amazing sales kickoff in the midst of a global pandemic.

At a high-level, here are the top four things that were on her mind as planning began:

  • What platforms will be used to host this?
  • How can we make it engaging?
  • How do we get the data that I need to measure success?
  • How do I make it feel like our team isn’t in the same room they’ve been in for the last year at another zoom meeting?

And where else will you hear about the impact of TikTok on Enablement-driven SKOs?

Keep listening and remain curious.

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