EP 12 - ENCORE - Wiseguy Charming

Published: May 31, 2022, 10 a.m.

b"I want to tell you about a show I think you'll enjoy: Play On Podcasts -- epic audio adventures that reimagine Shakespeare\\u2019s timeless tales, featuring original music composition and the voices of award-winning actors. Each episode explores plays from Macbeth to A Midsummer Night\\u2019s Dream, in a way that you can actually understand it and created specifically for the podcast form by some of America\\u2019s most exciting playwrights, directors and composers, and performed by stage and screen\\u2019s best. Check out their current season of King Lear that stars Emmy-winner Keith David and Severance star Tramell Tillman. Hear Shakespeare like you've never heard before. Subscribe to Play On Podcasts wherever you get your podcasts.\\n\\xa0\\nI am re-releasing this episode with guest Ethan Hershenfeld. In this episode, I\\u2019m speaking with accomplished standup comedian and actor, Ethan Hershenfeld. We talk about his most recent projects and his experience with often being typecast as the villain. We also discuss the nuances of diversity and cultural appropriation for entertainers. The latter part of the episode features a fictional story \\u2013 written and read by Parker James \\u2013 and inspired by Ethan\\u2019s one and only time playing Prince Charming. Listen as we touch on the complexities of the entertainment industry and hear a new fictional narrative inspired by Ethan\\u2019s acting experience.\\xa0\\n Wise Guy Charming - A Fictional Story in Print\\xa0\\nPlay on Podcasts\\n\\xa0\\xa0IN THIS EPISODE:\\xa0\\n\\n[00:01] Ethan\\xa0Herschenfeld\\xa0introduced\\xa0\\xa0\\n\\n[00:59] From Opera Singer to Comedian/Actor\\xa0\\n\\n[02:38]\\xa0Thug\\xa0Thug\\xa0Jew\\xa0\\n\\n[04:10] Typecasting\\xa0\\n\\n[08:09] Diversity in the entertainment industry\\xa0\\n\\n[12:16] Cultural appropriations in entertainment\\xa0\\n\\n[16:40] Addressing cultural issues in comedy\\xa0\\n\\n[20:30] Upcoming projects\\xa0\\n\\n[22:59] Ethan\\u2019s writing prompt\\xa0\\n\\n[26:39] Wiseguy Charming\\xa0\\n\\n[30:09]\\xa0A disinterest in the family business and dream of acting\\xa0\\n\\n[31:06] Acting classes while working for the family business\\xa0\\xa0\\n\\n[32:23] Dream role as Prince Charming\\xa0\\xa0\\n\\n[33:37] A surprise\\xa0confrontation\\xa0\\xa0\\n\\n\\xa0\\nKEY TAKEAWAYS:\\xa0\\n\\nEthan spent the better part of two decades as an opera singer, before transitioning to stand up, where he enjoys the spontaneous laughter and the release of energy from the audience.\\xa0\\n\\nAlthough there has been a push for diversity in theater and TV, racism is still woven in storylines in how villains are written as certain ethnicities. There is still an infinite appetite from audiences for cliche and offensive storylines related to certain ethnicities and religions.\\xa0\\xa0\\n\\nComedy is a different world where you're getting laughs and allowing people to unload baggage around topics that are very charged.\\xa0\\xa0\\n\\nThe beauty of theater and performing arts in general, is it opens up a world of empathy for the audience and for the performer to explore things that they don't get to explore in their real lives. There has to be, however, a push to diversify roles and casting and be\\xa0cognisant\\xa0of cultural appropriation.\\xa0\\n\\n\\xa0\\nBIO:\\xa0\\nEthan\\xa0Herschenfeld: Actor and comedian\\xa0\\nHis album\\xa0Thug\\xa0Thug\\xa0Jew\\xa0was #1 on iTunes and Amazon and the special is on YouTube:\\xa0https://youtu.be/AUA8wel23qI\\xa0\\xa0\\nHigh Maintenance (hbo):\\xa0https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LpJ--b-Sd4A[Text Wrapping Break]\\nBoardwalk Empire (hbo):\\xa0https://youtu.be/vqUuys6pJCE\\xa0\\nRed Notice\\xa0on Netflix:\\xa0https://www.netflix.com/watch/81161626?trackId=259607612&tctx=6%2C1%2C5a5fe77d-2b17-41ef-94a4-13a67831e188-448571224%2C6c29447b-cdcd-48f3-afeb-832d0026d654_63186441X101XX1637761873650%2C%2C\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\n2020 reel: https://youtu.be/a6TXfWrxckk\\xa0\\xa0\\nWEBSITE: ethanherschenfeld.com\\nTWITTER:\\xa0@ethanherschenfeld\\nINSTAGRAM:\\xa0@eherschenfeld\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nLINKS:\\xa0\\nHis album\\xa0Thug\\xa0Thug\\xa0Jew\\xa0was #1 on iTunes and Amazon and the special is on YouTube:\\xa0https://youtu.be/AUA8wel23qI\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\nDavid Feldman Show: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/david-feldman-show/id321997239\\xa0\\n\\nSupport this podcast at \\u2014 https://redcircle.com/true-fiction-project/donations\\n\\nAdvertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands\\n\\nPrivacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy"