New California Homes Must Have Solar Panels, How US Military Leaders Rebuilt the World Economy

Published: July 13, 2018, 11 p.m.

Is Rooftop Solar the Future of US Electricity?  Guests: J. Andrew McAllister, PhD, Member, California Energy Commission; Garth Heutel, PhD, Professor of Economics, Georgia State University; William Moomaw, PhD, Emeritus Professor of International Environmental Policy, Tufts University, Nobel Peace Prize Winner in 2007 Of the truly renewable energy sources contributing to America’s electricity, solar is growing the fastest. California is leading the charge–Regulators there recently mandated that new homes starting in 2020 must have solar panels, though there is some disagreement over whether that’s the best way to go about reaching California’s aggressive renewable energy goals. How the US Military Transformed the Global Economy After World War II  Guest: Grant Madsen, PhD, Professor of History, Brigham Young University, Author, "Sovereign Soldiers" War destroys infrastructure and upends economies, and for a decade the US has been trying to get Iraq and Afghanistan back on solid footing after our invasion. How well a country and its economy are rebuilt when the fighting stops is crucial to making sure peace lasts, and making sure we don’t end up in, for instance, a second World War just twenty years after fighting World War I. What can we learn from how America’s military generals patched things up in Germany and Japan after World War II?