MLK, Black Feminism, Bog Bodies, Boredom and Brilliance

Published: Jan. 21, 2019, 11 p.m.

MLK’s Last, Unrecognized Legacy Guest: Michael Honey, PhD, Fred and Dorothy Haley Professor of Humanities, University of Washington Tacoma, Author of "To the Promised Land: Martin Luther King and the Fight for Economic Justice" On this national holiday honoring Dr. King, we remember his civil rights legacy and iconic “I Have a Dream” speech. But we rarely hear about what he did after Congress passed landmark Civil Rights and voting legislation. He organized a fight for economic justice called the "Poor People's Campaign” –it was the reason he was in Memphis the day he was assassinated. Rise of the Black Feminist through Literature and Social Media Guest: Kristin Matthews, PhD, Associate Professor of English, Brigham Young University to not be safe on the earth. simply because of the color of your skin. how does a being survive this. That’s a poem by African-American poet Nayyirah Waheed. Her Instagram account, which solely features pictures of her work, has more than half a million followers. Through her poetry, she tackles tough concepts such as race, love, identity, and feminism. Inspired by the likes of Waheed, black feminists are turning to literature and social media to band together and make their voices heard. Bog Bodies Guest: Miranda Aldhouse-Green, PhD, Emeritus Professor, School of History, Archaeology and Religion, Cardiff University Bogs are swampy, smelly wetlands. Probably not the kind of location you would want for your final resting place, but yet, that’s where hundreds of bodies have been found in Denmark. The remains are thousands of years old, but look like they were buried yesterday. And no one is quite sure how they got there. Boredom Isn’t Boring Guest: Dr. Sandi Mann, Senior Psychology Lecturer, School of Psychology, University of Central Lancashire in Preston, England Boredom. ........ is a difficult... emotion to.... describe .... Have I bored you yet? Boredom can be frustrating and annoying, and yet for some reason, sometimes we like to wallow in the laziness of it. Overall, it’s usually not a pleasant experience. But some experts are starting to think that boredom may actually be a good thing. Social Media Victory for a Teenager with Autism Guests: Tracy and Bean McKay Feel-good stories aren’t found often on Twitter –it’s one of the uglier places. But Bean’s peanut butter challenge is a great one. The quick version is Eric McKay (who goes by “Bean”) is 15, he has autism and one of the few foods he eats is peanut butter. When the family’s peanut butter supply started running out, he tweeted his local LIDL grocery store asking for peanut butter to go on sale so he could stock up again. LIDL said they’d do even better: “Get 72,000 retweets and we’ll give you a lifetime supply. ”Bean did it! And Cut! Designing Costumes for Television and Film Guest: Ann Foley, Costume designer for Skyscraper, Altered Carbon, and Agents of Shield Some movie costumes are so iconic that you would recognize from anywhere, such as Dorothy’s checkered blue dress, Indiana Jones’ hat and whip, or Darth Vader’s all-black outfit. Viewers often take film wardrobes for granted, but the right clothing can be essential to bringing a character to life on the big screen.