Medical Marijuana, How Self-Control Works, The Limerick Dictionary, Violinist Hilary Hahn

Published: Jan. 19, 2018, midnight

Inside the Debate about Funding Medical Marijuana Guest: Misty D. Smith, PhD, Research Assistant Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Utah; Emilie Campbell, advocate for medical marijuana and mother of a child with severe epilepsy Veterans groups have been pushing for medical marijuana to be studied as an alternative to opioids and anti-depressants for treating PTSD and chronic pain. The US Department of Veterans Affairs announced this week it will not conduct that research, partly because the federal government still considers marijuana an illegal and highly dangerous drug in the same category as heroin. But across the country, research on marijuana’s medicinal properties is being done with government approval. It does requires jumping through a lot of extra hoops, and some members of Congress are trying to make it easier. We talk to a researcher who works with medical marijuana and a mother of a child who has benefited from its use. I Wish My Teacher Knew Guest: Kyle Schwartz, Elementary-School Teacher and Author of “I Wish My Teacher Knew” Colorado elementary school teacher Kyle Schwartz started a viral phenomenon a couple years ago when she asked her third-grade students to finish this short sentence: I wish my teacher knew… and posted their answers online. Here are some of them: “I wish my teacher knew I don’t have pencils at home to do my homework.” “I wish my teacher knew that my mom got divorced three times.” The exercise changed the way Kyle Schwarz teaches and prompted her to write a book called “I Wish My Teacher Knew: How One Question Can Change Everything for Our Kids.” Almonds May Help Boost Cholesterol Clean-up Guest: Claire Berryman, Postdoctoral Fellow, U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine You’ve probably had your cholesterol tested in the last year or so got the report about good and bad cholesterol in your blood? Some new nutritional research finds that eating almonds as a snack can help boost good cholesterol levels and get rid of the bad. A two-for-one! How Self-Control Works Guest: Marco Palma, PhD, Associate Professor, Agricultural Economics, and Director, Human Behavior Laboratory, Texas A&M University More than half-way through January . . . how’s the New Year’s diet or exercise plan going? The temptation is to be ambitious in turning a new leaf – “I’ll work out every day for an hour” or “I’ll cut out all sugar and processed foods.” But that may be exactly the wrong approach for building the kind of self-control that can make you successful at your resolution in the long-run. A Dictionary Where All the Definitions are Limericks Guest: Chris. J. Strolin, Creator of the Omnificent English Dictionary in Limerick form, There are people who love to read the dictionary.  But for most of us, the dictionary would be a lot more interesting reading if all the word definitions were in the form of limericks. And this dictionary – we recently learned – actually exists. It's called "The Omnificent English Dictionary in Limerick Form." It's a website - a little tongue-in-cheek, to be sure. But it's got nearly 100,000 limerick definitions of words. Hilary Hahn on Practice, Nerves and Connection with Fans Guest: Hilary Hahn, Grammy-Winning Violinist, album “Retrospective” out Jan. 19 World-famous, Grammy-winning violinist Hilary Hahn caused a stir last year when she hopped on Instagram and told her 70,000 followers: “Hi everyone, it’s Hilary, I’m speaking quietly because I’m in a public space. I’ve decided to put a short video of my practicing every day.” #100daysofpractice was her take on a global effort to do something creative daily for 100 days. As promised, Hahn posted short videos daily practicing in closets and offices and dressing rooms and sometimes outdoors. To see a violin virtuoso doing scales and drilling small parts of music and even getting frustrated sometimes was a revelation to her fans.