Felons Voting, Pilot Fatigue, Brand Me

Published: June 12, 2019, 10 p.m.

Voting for Felons – Is It a Right or a Privilege? Guest: Douglas Spencer, Visiting Professor, Harris School of Public Policy, University of Chicago Should people in prison be allowed to vote on Election Day? What about after they’ve served their time? Most states prohibit convicted felons from voting while they’re behind bars and –in some cases –while they’re on probation. In some states, felons can lose voting rights permanently, depending on their crime. Democrats in the US House would like to see more states allow felons to vote. Florida voters last year amended the state’s constitution to let felons vote after they’ve completed their sentence. Nevada lawmakers just passed a law that does similarly.  Napping Pilots Could Lead to Safer Flights Guest: Scott Winter, Assistant Professor of Graduate Studies, College of Aviation, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University I always hope for a good nap when I take a long airplane flight. But the last thing I want is for the pilot of the plane to be taking a nap, too.  Then again, I also don’t want a pilot up in the cockpit suffering from severe fatigue and prone to making mistakes. In Europe, Canada and Australia, pilots are encouraged to take short naps when fatigue sets in. The US does not allow that. Should we?  The Power of Presence and Knowing Your Personal Brand Guest: Charlotte Harrison, Principal Lecturer at University of Portsmouth with research interests in sustainable graduate employability You know yourself better than anyone, and yet when someone says “Tell me about yourself?” do you freeze a bit like I do? Whether it’s a social setting or a job interview, the answer will shape how you’re perceived –maybe even what future opportunities you get. In the University of Portsmouth’s law school in the UK, students are coached on creating a short statement to summarize their personal brand. The Best National Parks in the Rocky Mountains Guest: Becky Lomax, Author of “USA National Parks: The Complete Guide to All 59 Parks” We’re continuing our exploration of national parks across the country today with the Rocky Mountains. This region includes tons of wildlife and some of the most popular and famous parks –including the first national park in the US, Yellowstone. Most Popular Job for Ex-Congress members is Lobbyist Guest: Alan Zibel, Research Director at Public Citizen When members of Congress retire or get voted out of office, they don’t necessarily leave Washington Hill. The most popular next step for them is to become a lobbyist. Sixty percent of Senators and Representatives who left office last year, and got a new job, landed at lobbying firm, where the pay is significantly higher and their inside knowledge of how Congress works pays off for their clients. That’s the analysis from liberal advocacy group Public Citizen, which tracks this stuff and would like to see the “revolving door” between Capitol Hill and K Street closed.  Balancing Time and Energy When Caring for Kids and Parents at the Same Time Guest: Tom Golightly, Assistant Director, Counselling and Psychological Services, Brigham Young University Americans are living longer and they’re having children later in life. Put the two together and you get the Sandwich Generation –people caring for aging parents and their own children at the same time.