Episode #77 Moving From Mediocracy W/ Brian McCurdy

Published: Jan. 29, 2021, 4:12 p.m.

b"Enjoy this conversation with Chadd and Brian McCurdy about Brain's journey In life, fitness and health.\\nFind Brian on IG @ brian_in_search\\nCheck out Brian's blog at www.subjects2change.com\\nFind us on IG @3_of_7project\\nThank you for supporting Three of Seven Podcast at:\\nwww.patreon.com/threeofseven\\n\\xa0\\nTo register for The Proving Grounds 2 Troop April 16-18 Click the link below:\\nhttps://3of7project.com/the-proving-ground/\\n\\xa0\\nThank You Natural Rapport\\nUncomplicated Pet Essentials\\nGentle. Effective. Safe.\\nWe use ingredients as close to nature as possible\\xa0\\nAll products made in the USA\\nProduct line consists of: plant-based grooming products, single ingredient treats, all natural chews, and a full line of no-bake soft chew supplements\\nIf you love your pets like we do at Three of Seven Project please follow Natural Rapport on IG @naturalrapport\\xa0\\nOrder Your Natural Rapport products at www.nattyrap.com\\nUse pro code 30F7PROJECT for 10% off your Natural Rapport purchase\\nNuff Said"