Episode #72 Comms Check Current Events Logic, Preparedness & Morality

Published: Jan. 13, 2021, 2:12 p.m.

b"Join Chadd for the latest Comms Check as he discusses how to frame current illogical events.\\nTodays Episode was brought to you by:\\nWake Up Foods\\nReceive a $20 credit on your first order using code: threeofseven\\nhttps://www.wakeupfoods.com/\\nIG @wake.upfoods\\nThe worlds's only pant based. Gluten Free. Nut Free. Soy Free Waffles.\\nI eat Wake up waffles on the daily and I used them to fuel me for over 30 hours at the Mid State Mile last man standing ultramarathon.\\nGo check out Wake Up Foods and get you some\\nThe Proving Ground\\nhttps://3of7project.com/the-proving-ground/\\nIG @3_of_7project\\nThank you for supporting Three of Seven Podcast at:\\nwww.patreon.com/threeofseven\\nNuff Said"