Episode #60 Comms Check Do Your Thing - I'll Do Mine

Published: Dec. 1, 2020, 12:56 a.m.

b'Join Chadd for the latest Comms Check as he discusses the fallacy of the "you do your thing, I\'ll do mine" stance.\\nTodays Sponsor is Wake Up Foods\\nhttps://www.wakeupfoods.com/\\nIG @wake.upfoods\\nThe worlds\'s only pant based. Gluten Free. Nut Free. Soy Free Waffles.\\nI eat Wake up waffles on the daily and I used them to fuel me for over 30 hours at the Mid State Mile last man standing ultramarathon.\\nGo check out Wake Up Foods and get you some!\\nJoin the mailing list and check out the new Three of Seven Project store at www.3of7project.com\\xa0\\nIG @3_of_7project\\nThank you for supporting Three of Seven Podcast at:\\nwww.patreon.com/threeofseven\\nNuff Said'