Ep 283 Chadds Struggle: Cocodona 250 AAR Part 2

Published: May 17, 2023, 7:07 p.m.

b'Join the Three of Seven Project team as they finish up the after actions report on Chadd\'s performance..... or struggle at Cocodona 250, a 250 mile foot race across Arizona.\\nThank you for supporting Three of Seven Podcast on Patreon at:\\nwww.patreon.com/threeofseven\\nClick here to check out NUFF SAID RUNNING\\nThree of Seven Project Store\\nhttps://3of7project.com/store/\\nApply for The Basic Course at:\\nhttps://3of7project.com/the-basic-course/\\nCheck out the Three of Seven Project Youtube channel at:\\nThree of Seven Project Youtube\\nDRINK HOIST\\nhttps://drinkhoist.com\\nHOIST\\xae is unlike other hydration drinks because of the way it works in your body. HOIST\'s specially-formulated blend of carbohydrates, electrolytes, and fluids closely match your body\\u2019s natural osmolality, which means HOIST can absorb rapidly without the need for digestion. Not only does HOIST replenish your body immediately, it is clinically proven to keep you hydrated longer than water. \\xa0\\nPro Code for 10% off your order: 3of7project\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nBARBELL APPAREL WEBSITE\\nBarbell Apparel was founded with a simple vision: clothing should be better.\\n\\xa0\\nFounded by a team of friends and athletes, we\\xa0started our story by launching our Athletic Fit Jeans on Kickstarter.That campaign grew past our wildest expectations, becoming the 2nd most funded fashion project of all time, and sparking a change across the fashion industry to bring "Athletic Fit" mainstream.\\n\\xa0\\nNuff Said'