Ep 248 Strength & Endurance You Can Have Both

Published: Sept. 21, 2022, 4:55 p.m.

b'Join us for this awesome episode with Becca Jones and Jill Dennes. Both Becca and Jill are accomplished ultra runners and coaches.\\nDuring this conversation we discuss training philosophy and balancing strength and endurance to become the most complete athlete.\\nJill Dennes @jilldennes\\nBecca Jones @lilbeccabee\\nThank you for supporting Three of Seven Podcast on Patreon at:\\nwww.patreon.com/threeofseven\\nClick here to check out NUFF SAID RUNNING\\nApply for The Proving Ground 5 Troop at:\\nhttps://3of7project.com/the-proving-ground/\\nThree of Seven Project Store\\nhttps://3of7project.com/store/\\nApply for The Basic Course at:\\nhttps://3of7project.com/the-basic-course/\\nCheck out the Three of Seven Project Youtube channel at:\\nThree of Seven Project Youtube\\n\\xa0\\nNuff Said'