*TEASER* 47 - Too Serious to be Taken Seriously with John Vasquez Mejias

Published: July 9, 2022, 5:06 p.m.


Full episode at patreon.com/thicklinespod.

Katie takes a sick day while Sally is joined by our dad and yours: John Vasquez Mejias (The Puerto Rican War, The Teacher\'s Edition, Paping Zine). Topics discussed include: sleeping in an abandoned comic book store, not letting James Baldwin down, being proud of girlfriends, John hasn\'t seen \'Sideways\', Sally hasn\'t seen \'Star Wars\'. This conversation has an all-creme filling of making art for the sake of enjoying it, please enjoy it!

Come see John n\' Sally Sunday June 10th at Hungry Eyes in Brooklyn at The P.I.T., 411 S 5th St.

Find John\'s work at johnvasquezmejias.com follow John @papingzine on Instagram. Follow Thick Lines on Instagram @thicklinespod.
