Jake and Hugo host\xa0the weekly podcast, "The Bible Reloaded," an irreverent show (hosted by atheists) which examines the Bible, lampoons Bible-based\xa0propaganda produced by companies like Chick Tracts, and reviews various religious films (like "God's Not Dead").
Last week, the TBR hosts announced that they were suing a Christian film company owned by the Christiano Brothers (Christianfilms.com) over the filing of false DMCA claims in regard to TBR's reviews of some of their movies. \xa0
If you're unsure what any of this means, don't worry. \xa0Jake and Hugo join Seth Andrews to talk about the lawsuit, the players, and the very real phenomenon where organizations use bogus copyright claims to silence the voices of (and potentially shut down the pages of) their critics.
If you wish to support the lawsuit, click: \xa0https://www.gofundme.com/tbrdefensefund
Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/thethinkingatheist--3270347/support.