Episode 43: What is Cellular Memory? Learn How to Access It To Create Healing!

Published: Nov. 22, 2021, 1 p.m.


We hope you enjoy this week's episode where Petey and Sarah teach you about cellular memory, what it is and what learning about it can do for your healing journey!


What\\u2019s new with you and me?

Petey - Well, I\\u2019m excited that it's Thanksgiving this week. I think it's one of my favorite holidays. There\\u2019s no buying presents to be done and Ron has always cooked the turkey with all the fixings every Thanksgiving for 30 years now. I love having so much of the family over for the whole day just to hang out and I love our new tradition of decorating the Christmas tree earlier in the day...it\\u2019s so helpful! And I\\u2019m really looking forward to only working today and tomorrow and hanging out with you on Wednesday! So fun!!

Sarah - Thanksgiving week for me too! I\\u2019m excited for the short break and family time. And also that you and I mom, get to have some non-work time, play time on Wednesday to just be. If anyone would like to skip the black Friday shopping and take a yoga break, i\\u2019m teaching my normal Friday class at noon at fully circle yoga.\\xa0


I understand and respect that memory, no matter what form it comes in, is presenting for my highest good and opens my pathway to healing on a mind, body and spirit level.


Head over to Therapy Unfiltered's website for the angel card reading.

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Send us an email to questions@therapyunfiltered.com

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Podcast: @therapyunfilteredpodcast
Petey @peteysilveira
Sarah @acrosarah

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Petey & Sarah are co-hosting the Soul Journeys Couple\\u2019s Retreat for you & your soul partner May 13-18, 2024 in Costa Rica! You can learn more at



