Ep. 53 - Whats the Secret to Getting Unstuck? 10 Ways to Interrupt the Pattern and Live a More Joyful Life

Published: April 19, 2022, 1 a.m.


Learn more about Soul Journeys with Petey & Sarah coming in AUGUST 2022... journey to Alaksa --

Being "stuck" is something you may not even notice at first because these feelings often build slowly over time. Day after day, you might follow your same routines. Eventually, it feels less like you are working toward something and more like you're just killing time. Here are some of the signs that you might be stuck.

Keep track of how many you respond to with a yes.\\xa0

  1. Every day seems the same. You might even have trouble remembering what day of the week it is. Is it Monday, or is it Friday? It doesn\\u2019t matter because your days feel indistinguishable from one another.
  2. You feel like you're just trying to get through another day. Your goal is to keep putting one foot ahead of the other until the day is done. You don't feel excited or inspired.
  3. You feel unmotivated. You might want to take on new projects or engage in creative tasks, but it feels like your motivation has run dry. You just can't seem to get started.1
  4. You feel unfulfilled. Life feels dull and boring. You want to try new things, but you don't know where to begin.
  5. You want to change, but fear the temporary discomfort that comes with it. You know that changing things up will make you happier in the long run, but you keep sticking with the status quo because it means you won't have to risk any pain or failure.
  6. You know you have limiting beliefs. Even though you might be consciously aware that your thoughts are not being productive, you can\\u2019t seem to change them.
  7. You feel that life is painful and a struggle. Most of your days are spent lamenting about how hard your life is. If you\\u2019re not talking about it with someone, you\\u2019re thinking the thoughts in your head.
  8. You feel you don\\u2019t deserve anything good in your life. While you may cheer others on, you remain in your own life feeling unhappy and undeserving.
  9. You won\\u2019t try anything new even though you\\u2019re pretty sure that you might love it. Fear has attached itself to all that you think about doing and you have become frozen in place.
  10. There is a feeling of numbness that has penetrated into your daily life. No matter what events are taking place, happy, sad, frustrating or angry, you feel nothing.

Okay, if you answered yes to 7 or more, then you are absolutely feeling stuck and you may want to see a therapist to help you work through these feelings.

Affirmation: I am worthy of great things.\\xa0 I create a life that inspires me. Energetic transformation is coursing through me.\\xa0

\\xa0Oracle Card

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Petey & Sarah are co-hosting the Soul Journeys Couple\\u2019s Retreat for you & your soul partner May 13-18, 2024 in Costa Rica! You can learn more at



