Ep 44. Holiday Help is Here! Mind, Body and Spirit Tactics for Managing Stress During The Holidays

Published: Dec. 6, 2021, noon


We hope you enjoy this week's holiday episode where Petey and Sarah share with us stress management tools for this season!


What\\u2019s new with you and me?

Petey - Well as you know Sarah, Ron was in the hospitality and tourism market for decades. So I think for the past 25 years we always had several galas to go to in December. Last year was the first time we stayed home the entire month because of the Covid restrictions. And even though he retired last year, he\\u2019s still part of SKAL which is an international organization that brings all the branches of the travel and tourism industry together. So we went to their Christmas black tie dinner event at the Hilton Orlando on Saturday night. I got to dress up and see friends that I literally haven\\u2019t seen for two years now. I have to say, it\\u2019s super fun to go to one big dress up event and now the rest of this month I get to finally see holiday events happening in our area! I\\u2019m also gearing up to welcome new members into the Soul Learners Membership at the end of this month so if you\\u2019re interested, be sure to put you name on the waitlist at newpathwaytohealing.com.

Sarah - I\\u2019m excited this year for holidays. It feels like events and gatherings are back in full swing! Next week on 12/17 is YUTS and it\\u2019s our onesie edition since its colder. We start at 7pm and we are again collaborating with the Moon Goddess Market. Last month they had all kinds of vendors\\u2026. Grab a ticket on Orlando brewing website or find the link on my instagram @acrosarah.


I am releasing my cares and concerns over holiday stress by breathing deeply and slowly. I lovingly let go of the past and am fully in the present moment where I choose to find joy.


Head over to Therapy Unfiltered's website for the angel card reading.

Have any questions you'd like to have answered on the show?
Send us an email to questions@therapyunfiltered.com

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Connect with us on Instagram:
Podcast: @therapyunfilteredpodcast
Petey @peteysilveira
Sarah @acrosarah

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Petey & Sarah are co-hosting the Soul Journeys Couple\\u2019s Retreat for you & your soul partner May 13-18, 2024 in Costa Rica! You can learn more at



