Ep 12 - How You Can Reparent Certain Parts of Your Past for Optimal Growth

Published: Feb. 15, 2021, 11 a.m.


We hope you enjoy today's episode where we talk all about healing the childhood self (inner child) to create optimal growth for this now moment.

The inner child is the part of us who has unresolved issues, emotional wounds, or unmet needs,\\u201d says psychotherapist Nicole LePera, PhD, founder of The Holistic Psychologist. \\u201cReparenting is how we \\u2018raise\\u2019 ourselves in adulthood to heal. It is based in the therapeutic model that understands our earliest attachments are the foundations for all relationships that we have in our future."

Takeaways/modalities for Inner Child Healing:

  • Create intentional space to heal: Inner child work, like any type of inner work, involves creating a space where your subconscious is allowed to take the lead. Inner work is the act of going inside ourselves, to explore our true feelings and parts of us that may have been rejected and labeled as "inappropriate" or "too much" by others.
  • Writing letters to your younger self. Having a dialogue. Writing with your right hand is the adult you. Writing with your left hand is your younger self. Have a conversation reparenting your younger self with all the compassion and love you would have wanted to hear as your younger self. \\u201cHomecoming\\u201d by John Bradshaw is one of the most life changing books for inner child work.
  • Reframe & Rescript - rewrite your story. There are wounds from the unmet needs in your childhood. As you identify your new homeostasis and gain positive learnings from what your younger self need, you can start to reframe and rescript your story. This can be written or talked out loud.
  • Timeline therapy / Guided visualizations - going back on your timeline to significant emotional events to gain the new learnings. To understand. I am resilient - I know how to trust myself - I am stronger than I realize - I am safe - I am okay. As the new learnings come through, the pain and hurt begins to release. You are the observer watching the movie rather than in the movie.
  • Past life regression and healing at the end of the lifetime trauma.
  • Spiritual perspective: Remembering the mind, body and soul approach to healing that we take. We chose our families, our mother, father, siblings in our soul contract when we were on the other side. We asked each of them to take on different qualities and traits so we could learn our soul lessons.

Call in your angels for a sense of unconditional love and support as you understand and heal your inner child wounds.

Keep listening to hear this weeks affirmation and angel card reading OR head over to https://therapyunfiltered.com/e

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Petey & Sarah are co-hosting the Soul Journeys Couple\\u2019s Retreat for you & your soul partner May 13-18, 2024 in Costa Rica! You can learn more at



