Chapter 4: Alma Mater

Published: March 28, 2021, 6 p.m.

After surviving her near-death encounter with a supervillain, Erica arrives at her college in a tangle of emotional energy. She quickly has to put all of that behind her as she gets ready for the biggest exam in her life. If she passes today, she will graduate the Kirby Lee Sidekick Academy with her superhero license. So no pressure, right?  


Welcome to the Theatre of Heels! An illustrated, narrated, superhero, fantasy with a twist.    


For more information on Theatre of Heels and other story's by Christopher Chancy, please check out the links below. 








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This story was written, illustrated, narrated, produced, and edited by Christopher Chancy.  


Musical Score: Birds by Corbyn Kites 


Available here: 


The Novel Version of Theatre of Heels is Available Here

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