Youth: Wasted on the Wrong People

Published: July 26, 2017, 11:30 p.m.

b"Phil and Stephen review \\xa0recent anbti-aging news from the standpoint of the elderly.\\n\\nIs This the Anti-Aging Pill We\\u2019ve All Been Waiting For?\\n\\nA drug derived from an Easter Island bacterium extends the life of lab animals. People could be next.\\n\\nCellular Reprogramming Rejuvenates Old Mice and Boosts Lifespans 30%\\n\\nUsing a process designed to \\u201creprogram\\u201d normal adult cells into pluripotent stem cells\\u2014cells that can transform into many different kinds of cells\\u2014researchers have managed to boost the life spans of mice by up to 30% and rejuvenate some of their tissues.\\n\\nAmplicell Stem Cell Banking\\n\\nWhat if you knew that you could store your own cells so that one day, if you ever needed them, they would be available to repair such common things as joint pain, heart disease, stroke, respiratory conditions, bladder and pelvic inflammatory conditions, erectile dysfunction, renal failure, deadly untreatable neurologic conditions, fibromyalgia, results from athletic or military trauma including concussions, and perhaps even extend life by slowing the aging process. Trials are starting soon that use a person\\u2019s own stem cells to carry cancer killing biologic agents directly into cancer tissue to destroy the tumors.\\n\\nMovies mentioned:\\n\\n18 Again\\n\\nIt's a Wonderful Life\\n\\n\\xa0\\n\\nWT 329-638"