Wonder World Podcast Monday, February 26

Published: Feb. 26, 2024, 5:30 a.m.

Welcome back to the Wonder World Podcast, friends. Pam and Olivia, here, and we\u2019re ready to leap right into the last week of February! This week, we\u2019re bringing you along with us as we discover the origins of Leap Year, dive into polar bear trivia, and sweeten things up with National Pancake Day!

We\u2019ll brush up on important US history, chat about Letter to an Elder Day, and did you know, the inventor of blue jeans has a birthday this week? We also have special listener birthdays, and of course, hilarious jokes for the whole family. 

Tune in for a leaping good time with the Wonder World Podcast team and stay tuned for a special offer for our Wonder Kids Club members. Thanks for joining us today, and remember, keep wondering!

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The Team

Host: Pam Barnhill

Host: Olivia Barnhill

Research and Writing: Betsy Cypress

Production: Thomas Barnhill

Graphics: Katy Wallace

Operations: Meg Angelino