Smart Money Is Buying Bitcoin | Willy Woo

Published: Aug. 3, 2021, 11 a.m.

b'Willy Woo is arguably the most profilific on-chain analyst in the crypto space, and uses data to better understand what is truly happening on the Bitcoin network. In this episode, he discussed the behavior of whales, what institutions are doing, what the macro environment looks like for crypto, and where Bitcoin is likely headed. Needless to say, Willy Woo believes that the data is pointing to massive long-term bullishness for Bitcoin.\\nWilly Woo:\\n--\\nMatcha:\\nMatcha is the easiest way to trade in DeFi. Matcha enables you to trade across all the major DEXs so you can be sure you\\u2019re getting better prices than going to a centralized exchange or Uniswap.\\nConnect your wallet and start today at\\n---\\nIf you enjoyed this conversation, share it with your colleagues & friends, rate, review, and subscribe. This podcast is presented by Blockworks. For exclusive content and events that provide insights into the crypto and blockchain space, visit them at:\\n\\u30fc\\u30fc\\u30fc\\nJoin the Wolf Den newsletter:\\n\\u25ba\\u25ba'