Bitcoin Price Will Be $570,000 If It Replaces Gold | Dave Weisberger, CEO of CoinRoutes

Published: Feb. 8, 2022, noon

b'Dave Weisberger made his second appearance on the podcast to share his thoughts on the current irrationality in markets. According to Dave, stocks are behaving more like a speculative casino, which is why he thinks legacy markets are fundamentally broken. This exciting episode covers the Fed\\u2019s FUD, why Bitcoin will always be first, crypto correlation, value stocks, looming regulation and so much more. If you are invested in the market in any capacity, you need to watch this incredible breakdown.\\n--\\nAmber Group:\\nWhaleFin is a digital investing experience offering easy portfolio management tools, attractive investment yields, and access to the emerging digital lifestyle. With over $1T in volume traded, WhaleFin offers personalized, compliant, and secure service across dozens of digital assets in 150+ countries.\\xa0\\n\\nFind out more at\\xa0\\n--\\nHorizen:\\nHorizen is the zero-knowledge enabled network of blockchains powered by the largest node system with scalability and flexibility unmatched by others. Blockchains built on Horizen are enhanced by zk-SNARK privacy tech and provide massive throughput without compromising decentralization. Horizen can support up to 10,000 independent blockchains running in parallel and issue an unlimited amount of tokens.\\xa0\\n\\nMore at\\n\\n--\\nIf you enjoyed this conversation, share it with your colleagues & friends, rate, review, and subscribe. This podcast is presented by Blockworks. For exclusive content and events that provide insights into the crypto and blockchain space, visit them at:\\n\\u30fc\\u30fc\\u30fc\\nJoin the Wolf Den newsletter:\\n\\u25ba\\u25ba'