Ep. 2 - Vaccine Media Sound Bites

Published: Nov. 7, 2018, 5:03 p.m.

b'You hear it all the time: \\u201cVaccines are safe and effective!\\u201d It\\u2019s in every news broadcast and every news article, 100% of the time. And what about these common catchphrases: \\u201cWe need 95% vaccine coverage to achieve herd immunity,\\u201d \\u201cVaccine reactions are one-in-a-million,\\u201d and \\u201cThe autism/vaccine connection has been de-bunked!\\u201d Are these scientific facts or carefully-crafted media sound bites as part of a PR campaign designed to shape public opinion on vaccines? bit.ly/vaxconv\\n\\n--- \\n\\nSupport this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thevaccineconversation/support'