283: Elizabeth Murphy on The Importance of Healthy Soil

Published: Sept. 5, 2017, 12:30 p.m.


Understanding the living matrix that affects the quality of our food.

In This Podcast: Having been drawn to the wonders of soil quality early on, Elizabeth Murphy has studied this living matrix in great detail.  She wants to make soil care an intuitive concept that all growers have. Today she shares some of the basics and with us including the make-up of soil, why cover crops are important and a few important DOs and DON\\u2019Ts of creating healthy soil. 

Elizabeth has a passion for growing food which led her to a master\'s degree in soil science from University of California, Davis, where she researched soil\'s organic matter storage and a farmer\'s ability to improve it. She was a faculty instructor for Oregon State University Extension\'s Small Farms Program, where she taught and consulted with gardeners and farmers about best management practices to build healthy soils.

Since 2006, Elizabeth has owned a half-acre garden in southern Oregon, which she considers her laboratory for experimenting with sustainable soil management and gardening practices for landscapes and vegetables. She is the author of Building Soil: A Down to Earth Approach and currently, she lives in Tacoma, Washington. 

Go to https://www.urbanfarm.org/2017/09/05/283-elizabeth-murphy/ for more information and links on this podcast, and to find our other great guests.
