Your Soul Level Workout - Compassion Calisthenics

Published: June 1, 2022, 1 a.m.

We think a lot about working out our bodies, but how often do we consider working out our soul?

If we consider our soul as another body, an extension of who we are, then consistently working it out just as we do our physical form is important to keep it in shape. This is why we called this month's Heart Leader Toolkit item Compassion Calisthenics. It's a way to connect with a very key attribute of our soul and utilize it in multiple ways.

In this deep dive discussion, Amber and Austin navigate through how they use this tool to:

▸ hold compassion for themselves, each other and those around them

▸ how compassion can lead to greater connection on all levels - personally, professionally and socially

▸ why self-compassion is foundational to being able to express compassion for others