Vaxications-Torabi! Dogs & Cats-Mendoza! Cancer Survivors-Dr. Pearman!

Published: May 31, 2021, 6 p.m.

Farnoosh Torabi explains how Americans can celebrate the start of the new Roaring 20s without making costly financial mistakes, Great tips on how to take a vaxication without breaking the bank!
Diana Mendoza tells the best way to help animals adapt to our absence, and offers helpful tips from PETA to ease loneliness and boredom in the transition. Heading back to the office? Don't forge to make a plan for your dogs cats!
Dr. Timothy Pearman, a psychologist at Lurie Cancer Center will be available to discuss the importance of Star Program (Survivors Taking Action Responsibility) and the strides being made in long-term Cancer care. Psychological needs of cancer surviors!