Tune-in to your inner knowing and step forward with Claudia-Sam

Published: Feb. 8, 2022, 5 p.m.

Claudia-Sam is a soul-connection coach supporting women to put themselves front and center, guilt-free, as they step into living fully in their lives.

She has a unique background in yoga, coaching, and mindset mastery. Ellen and Claudia-Sam met as they are both hosts on Transformation Talk Radio and felt that one of their conversations about being women putting themselves first to heal, support others, and achieve their dreams is something that they could share together.

Listen in to hear about Claudia-Sam's "tune-in" method of coaching, and follow along as Ellen and Claudia-Sam share their insights and learnings along the way.

Also, Claudia-Sam has a special workshop launching on February 15 and February 17 (you can choose either date).

It will be a live mini dance party and guided meditation to gain clarity on what the REAL YOU is all about so that you can feel expansive with opportunity (instead of like your dreams have expired.)

Learn more about Claudia-Sam's amazing opportunity here: https://claudiasamsoulcoaching.com/beyou

Another note:

Ellen is launching the Energy Boundaries Bootcamp March 4-6. Registration opens Feb. 15 and you must be on the waitlist to be notified of the bootcamp opening. Waitlisters will also be privy to early bird pricing ($200, $275 full price) for the three day bootcamp which.

The bootcamp will be March 4 (6-8 p.m. Pacific), March 5 (10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Pacific) and March 6 (10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Pacific). The Friday session will be recorded for those in later time zones, so you can watch the replay early Saturday then join live Saturday afternoon / evening for the 2nd day in your time zone.

Bootcamp participants will focus on getting clear in their personal energy space, dive in on the role of the 4th chakra around healing and identity, as well as have opportunity to connect with others in guided coaching, practice and meditation. You'll come away with tools to manage and clear your personal energy boundaries and space, giving you the presence you need to actively create what you need to in your life to move forward.

Get on the waitlist now and be first to register when registration opens Feb. 15. The bootcamp will be capped at 12 participants and is first-come first-served. Get on the waitlist here.