Tribes of Light: A Roadmap To Manifesting Miracles In Your Life with Adrienne Cobb

Published: April 4, 2022, 6 p.m.

Did you know you have your very own personal Tribes of Light, guiding you in the best life path for you at all times? They are your greatest support system and love you unconditionally. They were with you when you were born, and will be there with you when you leave this world. They are always with you in this lifetime and other lifetimes helping you to manifest whatever you desire.

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Do you belong with the Cosmic Avatars, Galactic Councils, Planetary Light Beings, Star Tribes, Angelic Host, Ascended Masters, or Nature Kingdom? Take this free quiz to find out at and read this book to find out how to communicate directly with your personal Tribes of Light. Ask them- "What would it take to manifest a life that is even better than I could have imagined possible?" and let them show up with a miracle in your life!