Tired of being busy but still feeling unproductive and unfulfilled? An interview with Steven Lawson, founder of Monk Manual.

Published: July 20, 2021, 6 p.m.

Many of us are stuck in a cycle of being busy but having a false sense of accomplishment because we are taught that if we are constantly DOING something then we must be productive, therefore successful. We then tell others how busy we are, but deep down feel completely unfulfilled and like we are missing something. In this Coffee with the Universe episode I have the pleasure of interviewing Steve Lawson, founder of Monk Manual, a planner that shifts people from simply doing to peacefully BEING and purposefully doing. I've bounced back and forth between many planners over the years but keeping coming back to this one as it's been the most effective in keeping overwhelm at bay and helping me to focus on the things that matter most. Join us for a conversation about how deceiving being busy really is, how being more intentional can elicit peace and productivity, and how the Monk Manual can help you create more freedom, joy, and balance.