The Sirius Gateway: The Energy of Freedom 2021: Call in 800-930-2819

Published: July 8, 2021, 11 p.m.

The Sirius Gateway is allowing high-frequency energies to beam down to Earth. Sirius is believed to be a portal to higher realms and to our consciousness freedom and new technological advancements. Are you ready to receive? We are and are tuning in during this live call in show.

There has been strong energy brewing in our cosmic skies since Eclipse Season began at the end of May and it seems that on a collective level, we have all been moving through a period of transformation and growth. Sirius is believed to be a portal to higher realms, it is also home to Sirian beings that are known for their technological advancements and psychic abilities. In modern astrology, Sirius also represents freedom. All of this energy makes the Sirius Gateway a wonderful time for intuitive development, to deepen your spiritual practice, to work on tech projects, and to feel free in expressing yourself. Now we are ready for that amazing New Moon in Cancer.
Special mention to inutitive astrology for content.

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