The Power of Intentional Gratitude with Deborah Hawkins

Published: Nov. 23, 2023, 6 p.m.

b'How would you like something that promised greater happiness, a stronger immune system, more blood flow to the brain, greater well-being and more? Sounds too good to be true, huh? Welcome to the power of a gratitude practice! I m so excited to feature my friend and gratitude expert, Deb Hawkins, at the Caf on Thanksgiving. It s the day we Americans, we supposedly come together to give thanks for the blessings in our lives. (I know not everyone here is American) Beyond the turkey and pumpkin pie, there is a power in having a gratitude practice that is intentional and daily. Struggling with depression a number of years ago, Deb began a gratitude practice to help lift her out of what seemed like a black hole. While doing that she realized that each person has their own gratitude power buttons. These are qualities that have great meaning to you. For example, while taking Deb s workshop, I realized that one of mine is beauty. By becoming aware that beauty is a power button, I can turn it on throughout my day. It totally shifts things for me. Deb will share her three secrets to creating a personal intentional gratitude practice, so you can begin to bring this incredible gift into your life right now. Join us at the Caf of Delights Thanksgiving Day at 10am pacific, 1:00pm eastern. Happy Thanksgiving!'