The next Ms. Health & Fitness 2021 with Guest Karissa Adkins

Published: June 17, 2021, 5 p.m.

If you had told Karissa Adkins 11 years ago that she would be competing for the world title of Ms. Health and Fitness 2021 and the cover of Muscle and Fitness HERS magazine she would have laughed and told you yea right, not this girl . 7 years ago, had you told Karissa that she would be on the cover of Entrepreneurs Herald, being recognized as a top 20 Life Coach to watch out for in 2021, she would have said Me, seriously get out of town and if you would have told Karissa 2 years ago, that she would be doing TV interviews, writing books, and impacting women s lives all over the world by speaking on majors stages, Karissa would have said, Heck YES, Let s do this !
There is great power in taking risk, following your heart, and playing BIG in life. Karissa decided 11 years ago to BossUp and take responsibility for her life Never In a million years would she have thought that by losing weight and getting healthy that her entire life would get an upgrade. Karissa weighed 213lbs and today she competing with other female athletics in a worldwide competition that recognizes women who are dedicated to their health and fitness. Becoming strong mentally, physically, and emotionally doesn t happen overnight. However, Karissa has leaned that when it comes to living your best life ever, you need to focus on a few major area s in life
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