The Desire Factor: How to Embrace Your Materialistic Nature to Reclaim Your Full Spiritual Power with Christy Whitman

Published: Nov. 11, 2021, 6 p.m.

The Desire Factor, which offers the tools for you to find happiness, abundance, and success! The Desire Factor proves that desire is the force behind every act of creation, and it is the mechanism through which everything in this boundless spiritual universe is made manifest into physical, tangible form. However, the true gift is not in acquiring our desires; it is the people we become in the process of allowing our desires to move through us. The skills, the strengths, and the character traits we develop in the process of manifesting our desires stay with us always. The Desire Factor unfolds the precise steps for bringing about the manifestation of any desire. Take author Christy Whitman s advice and learn to lean into prosperity and abundance.
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