The Chintamani Crystal Matrix: Quantum Intention and the Wish-Fulfilling Gem with Johndennis Govert and Hapi Hara

Published: Aug. 4, 2022, 5 p.m.

Exploring the many chintamani myths and legends from East and West, the authors explain how there are three types of chintamani: the mythical gemstone; the power crystals of history, such as the Koh-i-Noor diamond; and the multidimensional field of light, energy, and consciousness that forms a network of all gems in what is known as the jewel net of Indra in Hinduism and Buddhism. Activating this crystal energy matrix provides a way to manifest your intentions and help you create the subtle diamond body. The authors detail specific gems and crystal spiritual technology that can affect material reality and trigger profound spiritual growth. They provide a number of simple practices with crystal grids and meditation to help you access the chintamani matrix and become aware of the interconnected jewel net of consciousness. They examine the science of intention, which provides a basis for connecting to gemstones and crystals, and share advanced meditations to realize and activate your innermost heart s desires.