Spirit Guides are here for you with your Psychic Energy Channel Pam Bright

Published: June 1, 2023, 7 p.m.

b'This is your Energy Healing and Psychic Channeling Session with Pam Bright. The first Thuirsday of each month is dedicated to channeling and psychic messages. The Bright Butterfly will be bringing in the energies that Creator of all that is and your Spirit Guides are ready to gift you with. We are at the beginning of what is considered in the astrology world to be the Gemini season. The season began May 21st and goes through June 21st. We will talk about these energies as well as discuss the Pleiadian Line Up that we just experiencied from May 15th - May 20th and what that entails for humanity. Because The Creator of all that is runs the show, it is always a wonderful surprise what comes through! Call in LIVE for your Bright Language transmission, Energy Healing, or Channelled message'