Simone Biles:Mental Self Care Not Just for Gymnasts - The twisties, headcasing, mental block, bailing, balking

Published: July 29, 2021, 11 p.m.

Gymnastics is obviously physically demanding with a high injury rate. But it is extremely difficult psychologically as well. Many of the skills could kill you. So what are these terms that define a gymnasts state of ready and do you have the Simone Biles courage to admit it when the body shows up but the conscious and self-conscious mind go on vacation. And...yes! It happens to all of us. We just don't have to worry about breaking out necks most of the time.

When Kevin Durant's foot was off by an inch in Game 7 of the NBA's Eastern Conference semifinals, his shot was worth two points instead of three, and the Brooklyn Nets lost in overtime. When Riley McCusker's foot was off by an inch on her beam dismount at the 2017 American Cup, she slammed backward onto her neck and then rolled over it.